Personal Training

Personal Training

I find tremendous joy in teaching – especially women – to lift weights and to learn the difference a good solid resistance training program can make. You get stronger, leaner, more confident, and you’ll do better in other sports and activities you love to do ! Whether it’s running, tennis, golf, cycling…weight exercises are part of the foundation for good times in all of it. And, if weight- loss is your goal you must work your muscles with resistance to get your body composition to change from fat to lean. Aerobic exercise is very important but will not do it alone; you need weight training, pilates, yoga…absolutely!

Marjp trainingPersonal training with MarjoLife can be hectic, and as you try to do everything that seems to be required to successfully work and take care of your family and friends, you find yourself continuously “last on the list”. This must stop, and you can do it. Start a self-care program ! Exercise and plan for a little bit of private time…it makes a huge difference in your quality of life. It takes just 4-6 weeks to permanently start changing your life. First, you need to make a commitment to exercise in some form every day, even if it is sometimes just 20 – 30 minutes, and secondly, you must learn to make good choices with your daily meals. It is simple and it works!


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